Article 1. The owner assures the tenant of the use of the room in __, sparkling wine. / judet ________ str. _____ ______, bl. _____, sc. _____, et. ______, ap. ______. The rental property consists of _____________ 2.

The leased property is not encumbered. Section 3. The landlord returned the leased property to the tenant at: _____ B__________________ 16. In the event of total or partial non-compliance or incorrect performance of any of the contractual clauses, the culprit has undertaken to pay damages. 4. The rent for the use of the rented room/estate is … Lei/Euro/USD, month (indicates whether the rent is set per m2 or on the entire leasable area). b) ensure that the rented object is used throughout the duration of the contract, to guarantee the tenant against total or partial loss and against the anxiety of the use of the rented property; Article 6. The amount of the rent may be modified by the parties by agreement on the basis of a legal act additional to this contract.

8. Non-payment of rent on conditions authorizes the tenant to impose co-occurrence penalties of …% per day, calculated on the amount of rent, and to request the termination of the contract and the eviction of the tenant. (b) carry out all ongoing maintenance and repair work in good time and in good condition at its own expense, including deterioration resulting from its fault; 18. Disputes arising from the performance of this rental agreement shall be resolved by mutual agreement. If this is not possible, the dispute will be brought before the competent court. If the tenant does not pay rent or any other amount of money to the tenant, he must notify the tenant in writing of the non-payment. If the tenant does not pay the tenant the amount due in the .. A few days after receipt of the notification, the tenant may consider the non-payment as a violation of the rental agreement. If the tenant does not respect any of the bonds provided for in the lease, he may consider this a violation of the lease. have terminated this lease in accordance with the following clauses: You will now receive a model of the lease in the format. PDF.

DOCX or. ODT in its updated form for 2021. OTHER CLAUSES This rental agreement comes into force on the day ______ This contract is based on the legislation in force. The contract and the annex have been recorded in two original copies, one for each contracting party. 6. The payment of rent is made monthly until the month of that month. The rent for the first month is paid when the contract is signed. 1. The object of the contract is the use of commercial land (construction or land) in the area of……….. Pm……….. is located in…………….., str……….,, and.

Apartment.. (indicating the number of rooms, outbuildings, courtyard, garden, etc. and the surfaces: offices, shops, warehouses, etc. 3. The rental period is from.. years, from………… until the date………… At the end of this lease, the parties may extend it by mutual agreement. b) Violation of the rental agreement by the tenant When the rental agreement ends, Chrias must carefully remove all furniture and equipment and return the goods in the same condition as at the time of rental, with the exception of normal wear and tear. The information on the commercial room rental agreement is informative. We are no more sensitive to the question of whether the required documents or sample documents have changed or are not presented correctly.

To the designated parties comes this lease under the following conditions: a) the object of the rental described in article l of the contract on ………. when it completes the delivery receipt protocol in two copies. DURATION OF THE RENTAL CONTRACT Article 7. This lease is leased for a period of _______ for months, with the date _______ on the date _______ Article 8[edit] This lease agreement may also be entered into before the above date with the written consent of both parties. Article 9. This Rental Agreement may be renewed with the written consent of both parties until the expiration of this Agreement and with the termination of the parties at least 30 days in advance. (1) Such an action is important to the landlord because it provides security to the person using the property. Whether it`s renting for a certain period of time, the security of monthly payments, or simply the desire to keep that apartment (or studio) in the best possible condition, a lease is the best method for a landlord to protect their interests. In addition, there is a risk of serious sanctions on the part of the tax authorities. REPLY FROM THE CONTRACTING PARTIES Article 23.

In the event of non-payment of rent within the contractual deadlines or violation of a clause of this contract, the landlord may unilaterally request the termination of the contract and the eviction of the tenant. Article 24[edit] Failure to pay utility bills within the due period will result in the legal termination of the contract without notice and without interference from the courts or the completion of other formalities, so that the owner will withhold the guarantee paid by the tenant. Unfortunately, the only drawback of this lease is that the state has to pay certain contributions from the person offering a property for such an activity. If you have any. For more information about the commercial space rental agreement, please send us so that you can help others. Drawn up in two copies, one for each Contracting Party. (g) not to sell or sublet the lease agreement without the consent of the owner; See why homeowners are at a disadvantage if they don`t rent a lease when they put their home on the market. Obligations of tenant Article 13. The tenant is obliged not to keep or damage the spoiled goods and their accessories for the duration of the rental.

Article 14. The tenant uses the leased property only according to the purpose set out in the contract. Article 15[edit] The tenant had to pay the landlord the rent within the period agreed in the contract. Article 16[edit] For the duration of the rental, the tenant bears all costs related to the public services used for the use of the property in question, i.e. gas, electricity, telephone, cable, sewage, garbage disposal, etc., but also repairs by the tenants` association, repairs that recover the residents` share of the property. Art. 17. The lessee shall carry out repair work on the leased property at his own expense if they are damaged by his fault. Article 18[edit] The tenant is responsible for the total or partial destruction of the rented property, which is due to his art of debt.

19. The tenant will only modify the leased property with the written consent of the owner. Article 20. The tenant, at the expiration of this contract, will refund the spoiled goods as well as all its accessories in the condition in which he received them. Article 21. The tenant had to allow the landlord to check the condition of the property at any time after the contract expired with the tenant`s prior notice. Article 22[edit] The tenant has the right to be reimbursed the amount paid as Blecht at the end of this contract provided that the obligations assumed are properly performed and that the owner has signed the protocol of delivery – receipt of the property. 2. The delivery of the rental item will be stored in the ……..

expired delivery receipt protocol, which constitutes Annex l to this contract and forms part of this contract after the expiry of the contract and forms part of this contract (in the delivery-receipt protocol h) in order to refund the goods in the condition in which they received them, as indicated in the protocol closed at the time of delivery. . . .