If you are already married, it is possible to get a post-marriage contract. A marriage contract has the same power and effect as a marriage contract. The main difference is that a “postnup” is agreed and executed after you have already married. Prenuptial agreements are one of the best ways to protect your future. They can help you mark certain assets as non-marital property so that you can keep them after a divorce or the death of a spouse. It also allows you to make decisions about how marital property will be divided and how spousal support will be paid if the marriage ends, and for a solution, there are always prenup lawyers. Sections 37 and 38 of the Matrimonial Property Act of Alberta are the provisions that govern a marriage contract. The Matrimonial Property Act does not apply to cohabiting parties, but the consideration for a cohabitation contract is similar to that for a marriage contract. Another example: if a spouse receives a gift or inheritance during the marriage, then there is a separation, half of the value of that gift or inheritance can go to his or her spouse.

Often, families carry out succession planning with the intention of keeping the “family property” in the family, and it is important not to subject this property to a family property claim. Again, the value of the inheritance or property to be protected often far outweighs the cost of an agreement. Ensuring that your agreement is executed correctly is essential to protect their intentions if it is ever questioned. It is important to get independent legal advice and ask a lawyer to execute the agreement. However, the terms and agreements reached are best established through a neutral mediation or negotiation process, so that the wishes and goals of each party are achieved while protecting the well-being of the relationship. It is best to draft the content of the agreement with a neutral third party and then hire a lawyer to draft the final legal agreement. Lawyers can make these negotiations contradictory, even if it is not provided for, so the use of a neutral third party is preferable. The cost of a marriage or cohabitation contract is often nominal compared to the costs that may be associated with a disputed separation or divorce. In addition, the establishment of exemptions or claims may protect certain assets that have a significant monetary value that would otherwise be divisible under family property law.

Family lawyers in our Saskatoon, Saskatoon and local offices represent, including anyone seeking a prenuptial agreement or prenuptial agreement and living in one of the following cases: A cohabitation agreement can be created to determine how a couple living together will end their legal status if they later decide to separate at a later date. This means that in Quebec, the validity of a prenup depends on where you live at the time the contract is signed. Therefore, an Ontario prenup is valid in Quebec if it is valid in Ontario. Are you planning to get married? If so, consider a marriage agreement between potential spouses that was entered into in consideration of marriage. Some people think that marriage contracts are not romantic – a sign of distrust, not love. Creating a marriage contract together is a sign of incredible trust and financial openness. If a B.C. woman received an insurance bill following a car accident ($175,000 left) to pay for her future living expenses – and married years later – could the other spouse claim half of the remaining amount when they divorced? Should there be a prenuptial agreement that specifically covers this issue to protect the insurance settlement, or does it set a precedent? Thanks to the content of a prenup, it can vary greatly, and although it is a cohabitation contract in the areas it covers, it is strictly formulated before marriage to clarify what will happen in case of adultery. The agreement specifically sets out the details regarding the division of property and, in many cases, spousal support. Usually, issues related to parenthood and child support are not included in these agreements, as the conditions relating to parenthood are always negotiable, which is in the best interests of the children at that time. In the marriage contract, the party who brings more assets into the marriage is likely to set conditions to protect it in the event of divorce. The more detailed and specific the agreement, the more likely it is to be under the control of a lawyer at the time of marriage termination.

The idea is to reduce the likelihood of conflicts of interpretation if you ever have to rely on the agreement. In Manitoba, the division of property is governed by the Matrimonial Property Act. In Manitoba, a spousal contract is considered a type of spousal contract defined in section 1(1) of the Matrimonial Property Act. Section 5 of the Matrimonial Property Act expressly authorizes the making of conjugal arrangements to exclude the application of the Matrimonial Property Act in whole or in part to all or part of a couple`s matrimonial property. Again, it`s easier if a professional helps you and your spouse discuss these issues during the marriage phase than during the separation. A lawyer or mediator can work with you and your spouse in a collaborative approach. It does not have to be an adversarial process. Television and movies show us large consulting tables with lawyers in lawsuits that defend the rights of their clients. But that is not the purpose of these agreements. These agreements are meant to discuss what is important to each of you in your relationship.

Saskatchewan law requires each party to have its own independent legal advice. However, this does not dictate the process. You and your spouse can choose to meet with a lawyer or mediator to first discuss your collective thoughts and work on a draft contract. Once you are both satisfied with the draft contract, meet with independent lawyers for the final review and signing. This is your agreement and we can adjust the process to make sure you feel comfortable. You may want to consider a prenuptial agreement before marriage. If you live together in Saskatchewan for a period of at least two years in a spousal-like relationship, you are considered a common-law partner and have the same legal rights to the division of property as married spouses. So if you`re moving in with someone, you can also consider such an agreement. Having these discussions before you move in can often help you assess problems early in living together, rather than facing a difficult decision after living together for nearly two years.

Fairway Divorce Solutions has a step-by-step mediation process designed to help couples discuss, negotiate and agree on the terms set out in the agreement. The process protects the integrity and relationships of the parties while ensuring that the agreement is complete and addresses all relevant issues. Being an autonomous and educated decision-maker is fundamental to a strong and healthy future marriage. For those of you who are asked to sign one, you must ensure that you are fully satisfied with the decisions and conditions contained in the document. Using third-party services, such as Fairway, can help answer all your questions regarding the content of the marriage agreement. Some additional areas that can be addressed in the marriage contract are: what will happen in the event of death or disability. In this way, a marriage does not have to take a back seat in favor of the one who has a higher net worth, but can also protect the other spouse by also being protected. The law may provide for certain rights in the context of a “de facto marriage” or similar situation.

Many people, and especially rich people, whether male or female, want to determine in advance what should happen when cohabitation ceases. In particular, wealthy people should be careful if they live together for a period of more than two years without an agreement on living together. Still in terms of assets, marriage contracts are not insurmountable. A Canadian court may modify or even ignore an agreement in certain circumstances. B, for example, when an unforeseen event of financial obstruction or devastating has occurred. Most Canadian provinces provide for judicial oversight of prenuptial agreements, but the standard of judicial review varies from province to province. For example: No one is hoping for a bad ending. Just as you buy insurance for your home or car and hope you`ll never need it, a marriage or cohabitation contract can provide you with similar insurance in case your relationship ends unexpectedly. Hello, I am getting married on March 14, 2014 and I would like a marriage contract to be concluded. I own property in Alberta that I want to protect, I don`t want to assume his debts that go into our marriage and be compensated for the future debts he incurs during our marriage himself. My plan is to keep all my current bank accounts and credit cards separate and keep our current budget/receipt tracking running.

Consider, for example, the case where there are children from a previous marriage. The new spouse can submit death or divorce plans and set the conditions to protect all parties, including children, fairly. If done right, the marriage contract will create the same basis with the balance of power around money from day one. The key ingredient is a good decision-making process that takes into account everyone`s concerns under the prenup agreement. Ideally, it should benefit both people who enter into marriage in one form or another. Given the sensitivity and risk of these conversations, Fairway`s mediators/resolution experts take special care to ensure that the decision-making process is both thorough and detailed, resulting in a fair agreement that lays the foundation for a good life together. .