Article 20 provides for the right to appeal to the Court of First Instance against a decision of the administrator to terminate an agreement, a decision to impose a fine and against any decision of the administrator under a climate protection agreement. 3. Subject to paragraph 5, the administrator shall publish, as soon as reasonably possible after the end of each target period, a report listing the energy efficiency improvements and emission reductions achieved under agreements for the target period, including: (a) potential sectoral organisations may request the conclusion of framework agreements using the register; and Article 11 states that the administrator must obtain the consent of the Secretary of State to a climate change agreement before entering into it, and that a framework agreement must contain a sectoral obligation. (b) Industry associations may, on behalf of potential operators, request potential operators to conclude underlying agreements. 1. These Regulations may be referred to as the Climate Change Agreements (Administration) Regulations, 2012 and come into force on October 1, 2012. Article 5 provides for the establishment of an account in the registry of a party to an agreement on climate change and the functions of the registry. This Regulation appoints the Environment Agency responsible for the management of climate change agreements concluded in accordance with Part IV of Annex 6 to the Finance Act 2000 and establishes procedures for the management of climate change agreements. These rules will come into force on October 1, 2012. 2000 to 17; Paragraphs 52A to 52F were inserted by paragraph 9 of Schedule 31 to the Finance Act 2012 (c.14), which also amended paragraphs 44, 45, 45B, 47, 48 and 49 of that Schedule.

Rule 10 specifies the controls that the administrator must carry out before entering into a climate protection agreement. It provides that, with respect to both framework agreements and underlying agreements, the administrator must verify that the entities are all the entities listed in Annex 6. It also provides that, with respect to the underlying agreements, the administrator must verify the identity of the other party to the agreement and that the activities carried out by the facility or entities covered by the underlying agreement are all covered by the framework agreement. If a facility was previously covered by another underlying agreement, the administrator must also verify that the objectives were achieved under the previous underlying agreement and that there were no outstanding penalties or fees under the previous underlying agreement. Rule 4 requires the administrator to establish an electronic register for the management of climate change agreements and provides that the administrator may establish rules for the operation of the register. The Finance Act of 2000 stipulates that a climate protection tax may be levied on certain energy suppliers, but a reduced rate may be levied if a place receiving energy supplies is covered by a CCA (Climate Change Agreement) certificate. (a)before 1. In October 2012, an operator requested the Secretary of State not to publish information about an entity on the grounds that the publication of such information would compromise the security of an entity, and the Secretary of State decided not to publish this information; These guidelines are available to the Environment Agency as the administrator of the Climate Change Agreements Regime (the “Administrator”) appointed under section 3 of the Climate Change Agreements (Administration) Regulations, 2012 (as amended by the Climate Change Agreements (Administration) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations, 2013 (the “Administrative Regulations”) for the purposes of section 52A(1) of Schedule 6 of the Finance Act 2000. 4.—1. By 1 January 2013, the Administrator shall establish and operate an electronic agreement management system (“Registry”). The CCA is a voluntary system in which participants have entered into agreements with the government to reduce energy consumption and emissions in exchange for a reduction in the CCA.

This legal instrument entered into force on 1 October 2020. It amended the Climate Change Agreements (Jurisdiction) Regulations, 2012 (I.S. 2012-1976) and the Climate Change Agreements (Eligible Facilities) Regulations, 2012 (I.S. 2012-2999). It provides for a two-year extension of the climate change agreement programme, with the new target period extending the climate tax reduction rate until 31 March 2025. (24) A notice may be sent to an association or a sector operator by first-class mail or by electronic communication to the address of the sector association or operator notified to the administrator. Rule 16 requires the administrator to announce the imposition of a monetary penalty and indicate the information to be included in the notification. 8. As soon as reasonably possible after the termination of an agreement, the administrator shall — 15.—(1) The administrator may impose a financial penalty on an operator if the operator: (f) must take the non-payment of the penalty payment in accordance with the notification on the date specified in the notification or the steps specified in the notification at the time so specified. may result in termination of the underlying agreement. 5. The Administrator has no obligation to ensure that an Account records the information referred to in paragraphs 3 or 4 if the Account Holder does not provide the Administrator with sufficient information to enable the Administrator to comply with its obligations under paragraphs 3 or 4.

(c)the Secretary of State has informed the Administrator that the publication of such information would endanger national security. Article 23 specifies the decisions that the General Court may take when deciding on an appeal. . (2) The deduction of excess does not affect the amount of any excess used in the calculation of the fee referred to in Rule 12(2)(c). This file may not be suitable for assistive technology users. (b)£12 per tCO2 of the difference between actual and reported emissions for the target period. 4. A financial penalty under this Regulation may be recovered by the administrator as a civil debt if it is not paid after the expiry of the date of payment specified in the notification of the penalty payment. (i)at any time during the period preceding 1. May of the year following the end of a target period and ending immediately before the first day of the following certification period; or 23.—(1) In deciding an appeal under subsection 20(1) of the Fine Regulations, the court must either — (b) find that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in not publishing the information outweighs the public interest in publishing the information. 18.—(1) The administrator may terminate a framework agreement if the interbranch organisation infringes the contract.

(a)provide the administrator with the information requested by the administrator by 1 May following the end of a target period in order to determine whether progress towards the target is considered satisfactory or is likely to be assumed; and (e)where point (a)(i) applies, the fee shall be collected by 1 no later than 1. be paid in July of the year in which it is determined that the target unit has not achieved its objectives; Rule 8 specifies when an account must be closed and all broadcasts recorded in the account when it is closed are deleted. (3) If an agreement provides for a right of appeal in respect of another decision of the administrator, that remedy is an appeal to the court. “sector obligation” means an obligation notified to the administrator by the Secretary of State and applicable to entities to which a framework agreement applies; An organization can only obtain certification if it can demonstrate that it is sufficiently advanced to meet the CCA`s energy consumption or emissions targets. (vi)non-payment of the fee in accordance with the notice results in the issuance of a certificate of amendment in accordance with point 45 of Annex 6; 2. For each agreement, the administrator shall establish an account for each sector association or operator as soon as reasonably possible after the sector association or operator has concluded an agreement. (c)delete any excess recorded in the Account Holder`s account for this Agreement. . (3) The administrator shall terminate an underlying agreement if the framework agreement to which the administrator relates is terminated. (a)record sufficient information to demonstrate whether the objective has been achieved; and (a)the account holder or designated person infringes the administrative rules governing the operation of the registry; an impact assessment of the impact that this instrument will have on the costs of businesses and the voluntary sector shall be attached to the justification available with the instrument. 4. The administrator shall not be required to publish information in accordance with paragraphs 1 or 2 where paragraphs 6 and 8 apply.

(a)does not provide information in accordance with points (a) or (b) of Rule 14(2); (a)a trade association or operator has requested the administrator not to publish the information because publication would compromise the confidentiality of the commercial or industrial information; and…