No. There is no clinical evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine responds with other vaccines. However, to be sure, experts have suggested waiting at least 7 days between the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine. The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) and the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ATAGI) recommend that pregnant women be routinely offered a Pfizer mRNA vaccine (Cominarty) at any stage of pregnancy. Indeed, the risk of serious consequences of COVID-19 is significantly higher for pregnant women and their unborn child. Information about COVID-19 vaccines has been translated into multiple languages It is unlikely that you will be able to file a complaint of religious discrimination unless you can prove that it is a real requirement of your religion that you are not receiving the vaccine. During development, vaccines are tested on thousands of volunteers as part of a series of progressive studies to assess the safety and side effects of the vaccine, and must demonstrate that if COVID-19 vaccination requirements in a different direction of public health or employment also apply to the healthcare worker, the worker must increase the prescribed number of doses of COVID-19 vaccine to the prescribed number of doses of the COVID-19 vaccine until the number of such doses is requested on a specified date; and Queensland`s anti-discrimination laws are very specific in terms of the grounds of discrimination that are protected, and there are none that cover the personal decision not to receive a vaccine. Note: An exhibition site is considered a multi-purpose venue and, therefore, the rules that apply to an area of the venue are based on the use of the specific areas at that time. A safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine will be offered to eligible Australians as part of a phased rollout. To learn more, click here. In addition to the general rules for collecting personal data, health authorities must follow certain rules about when they can collect health information.5 This includes whether you have consented to the collection or whether its collection is permitted or required by law.6 If the health authority wishes to rely on your consent, this consent must be provided. freely given and valid,7 which means that the health authority must not pressure or intimidate you to provide information about your vaccination status. Australian Immunization Registry (AIR) vaccination form for medical exemptions completed and signed by a healthcare professional eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Authorities must protect your vaccination status information from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, alteration or disclosure and ensure that it is properly secured.7 The authority must take reasonable steps to ensure that it is accurate, complete, up-to-date and not misleading.8 Medical exemption for COVID-19 vaccines registered in the Australian Vaccination Registry or physical distancing rules apply. is also continuing. If possible, customers should keep a distance of 1.5 metres at all times, unless they belong to the same group. Just as there are vaccines that protect you against diseases like measles, chickenpox or the flu, there is a vaccine that protects you against COVID-19. The free COVID-19 vaccine is being introduced. .