In the event of a breach or premature termination of the lease by the tenant, the landlord`s possible remedies may include: A tenant is an equal party to the landlord. You never have to accept a rental agreement. Before signing, make sure you understand the terms of the agreement. If you do NOT understand it, do NOT sign the agreement. There is no grace period for terminating a lease, so if you sign, you are bound by its terms. In the case of monthly tenancies, the landlord or tenant must notify the other party that the lease is terminated at least fifteen (15) days before the next rent payment. Any shorter period is ineffective. Any attempt to cancel on a date other than the next rent payment is insufficient. In exchange for these rights, it is your duty to provide a safe home that meets the requirements of the Housing Code and to make appropriate repairs if necessary. Obligations may sometimes be limited under the lease. It is also your duty to respect the rights of the tenant. One of the most important of them is the right to peaceful property.

By renting to the tenant, you give him ownership and use of your property without disruption. This means that you are not allowed to enter the house frequently, at strange times or without notice. The rights regarding proper inspection are often set out in a written lease as well as Florida law. You have the right to protect your property through inspection, but you must give a reasonable period of at least 12 hours. You do not have the right to show the property to potential buyers without notice and consent from the tenants. The first thing to consider in a lease is both the responsibilities and obligations of the landlord and tenant. The owner usually decides on these conditions based on their personal needs and state laws. However, they can also be discussed with the tenant to reach an agreement before signing. The landlord may terminate your tenancy for breach of your lease or for breach of applicable reasonable rules or regulations, except in the event of non-payment of rent as follows: With respect to apartment leases, the landlord must ensure that the following conditions are met throughout the term of the lease: Overall, A lease in Florida should always have the following, To avoid future problems: Please note that if these events occur, the landlord can provide the tenant with three days` notice to pay the rent.

A copy of this Law is available at the local Law Library or online at and should be read in conjunction with your lease, local housing and building regulations, and applicable federal regulations, if any. The responsibilities of the landlord and tenant may vary depending on your rental agreement and the type of rental unit. You will be informed (cite the non-compliance). You are hereby required to remedy the non-compliance within 7 days of receipt of this notice, or your lease will be deemed terminated and you will be required to leave the premises upon such termination. If the same conduct or behavior of a similar nature is repeated within 12 months, your rental may be terminated without further warning and without giving you the opportunity to remedy the non-compliance. Also in Florida, unless otherwise agreed, if you are an employee of the landlord and are equipped with a housing unit as an employment case (without rent), the duration of your tenancy depends on the periods for which your salary is paid. For example, if you are paid weekly or more frequently, your rental is from week to week; If your salary is paid monthly or you do not receive a salary, you are considered a monthly tenant. In addition, the landlord must do everything he has agreed in the lease. NOTE: If you leave the premises before the end of your lease, or if your lease, whether written or oral, does not contain any provision on the duration of your lease, you must notify your landlord in writing for at least 7 days by registered mail or personal delivery indicating the date on which you will travel and indicating an address where you could be reached. Failure to provide this notice will release the landlord from the 15-day notice period, but will not waive any rights you may have on the deposit.

The only thing Florida`s landlord-tenant laws say regarding payments is that the tenant must pay the rent on time according to the lease. If the landlord does not comply with the general repairs to the house, the tenants` rights may withhold the rent. The Landlord tenant Act of Florida is set forth in the laws of Florida in Part II, Chapter 83, Florida Residential Landlord Tenant Act. It regulates the rights of landlords and tenants. Even with a lease signed, the laws “take precedence over what the lease says,” according to the Florida Bar Foundation. While it is highly recommended that all parties to a tenancy sign a written lease, even if it is only an oral lease, the rights and obligations of all parties are still bound by Florida Landlord and Tenant Act. Keep in mind that in Florida, if you live in a private apartment, under an oral lease or a written lease with no specific term, your landlord can terminate your tenancy for any reason using the notices required above, as long as it`s not discrimination or retaliatory eviction….